국내선교 | Domestic Missions

뉴저지 연합장로교회 국내 도시선교:

Korean United Presbyterian Church Urban Missions

Since 2011, we have been helping and supporting homeless individuals in downtown Newark and Paterson. We also partner with other agencies and churches to people in need.

1) Newark City Mission: On the second Thursday of every month, we provide 300 Korean lunches, water, and biblical tracts for homeless individuals at Saint John’s Church in downtown Newark.

2) Paterson City Mission: On the last Thursday of every month, we visit Hana Mission in downtown Paterson. We provide 50 breakfast meals, water, and biblical tracts for homeless individuals.

We share the love of Christ through food, relationship, and faith. We have also been providing financial assistance during the pandemic to help the homeless in these two cities.

뉴왁 | Newark







페터슨 | Paterson
