한국학교 | Korean School

뉴저지연합장로교회에서는 한국어와 한국 문화를 배우고자 하는 모든 분들을 위해 매주 토요일 오전 9 – 12:30 한국어 학교를 제공합니다.

등록은 문의는  Email:     Phone: 973.743.5455

Our mission is to teach Korean language for members, diverse families, and local community.

Our vision is to share the love of Jesus Christ through Korean language teaching and learning.

Our Korean Language Director is Deacon Hye Jung Lee.


Korean Language Classes will be held on Saturdays at church

from 9am to 12:30pm

For information please contact the office

via email at or call 973.743.5455

Thank you.